From My Backyard to Our Bay
Increasing populations of suburban residents enjoy many amenities in Cecil County. The County provides good schools, road systems, fire and police protection, scout camps, places of worship, shopping, and easy access to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wilmington. Residents also enjoy natural resources in their backyards, the vast shores of the Chesapeake Bay, State parks, and the rural/agricultural areas that constitute most of the County.
From My Backyard to Our Bay illustrates the collective impact of human activity on natural resources. The way that you care for our natural resources affects your property, your neighborhood, your watershed, and our Chesapeake Bay. This guide offers tips on many environmental issues and provides a list of resources for more information. It is the hope of the Cecil Soil Conservation District that this booklet inspires a conservation and stewardship ethic in all residents of Cecil County.
Table of Contents
Environmental Issues In Your Community
Protecting Your Water Supply (4)
What is a Watershed? (4)
Everything Flows to the Bay (5)
How do Pollutants Get Into the Water? (5)
Hydrologic Cycle (6)
Living Above or Below the Fall Line (7)
Soil is More Than Just Dirt (8)
Agriculture is a Major Land Use and Industry in Cecil County (9)
Sights, Sounds, and Smells of Farming (10-11)
Wetlands (12)
Cecil County’s Forests (13)
Creating Living Shorelines (14)
Critical Area (15-16)
Controlling Erosion (17)
Stormwater Runoff Can Pollute (18)
Steams in Your Neighborhood Need Your Help (19)
Impacts of Urbanization (20)
Sustainable Development (21)
Public Works (22-23)
Easy Ways to Save Water (24)
Living on Well Water (25)
Taking Care of Your Septic System (26-27)
Energy Conservation (28)
Environmental Issues in Your Backyard
Backyard Stream (30)
Rain Barrels (31)
Rain Gardens (32-33)
Dry Wells (34)
Infiltration Test (35)
Infiltration Trench (36)
Pervious Pavement (37)
Tree Planting (38)
Wildflower Meadows (39)
Planters (40)
Integrated Pest Management (41)
Controlling Noxious Weeds and Invasive Plants (42-43)
Inviting Wildlife to Your Backyard (44-45)
Composting (46)
Pet Waste (47)
Keeping a Healthy Lawn (48-49)
Keeping Water Away From Your Home and Basement (50-51)
Disposing of Hazardous Waste (52)
Winter Deicing (53)
Maintaining Your Vehicle (54)
Impacts of Recreation on Natural Resources (55)
Land Preservation (56)
Cecil Soil Conservation District (57)
Fair Hill Nature Center (58)
Environmental Reference Guide (59-60)