The Cecil SCD held its 61st Annual Cooperator’s Banquet on November 16, 2006 at Sandy Cove Conference Center. Woodland “Woody” Hurtt, owner of “Broxson Farm” was awarded the 2006 Conservation Cooperator of the Year. Mr. Hurtt operates a farm just North of Cecilton in partnership with Edgar “Duty” Hevelow raising corn, small grain, and soybeans on the farm’s 323 acres. Woody Hurtt is the 4th generation of his family to own Broxson Farm. Many conservation practices and farming methods are in place on the farm such as grassed waterways, rock and pipe structures, a sediment control pond, filter strips, no till farming and cover crops.
Woodland Hurtt was also awarded "Maryland Association of Conservation Districts Outstanding Cooperator of the Year 2007." Congratulations to Mr. Hurtt of his accomplishments.