Our 2024 Envirothon season kicked off with the spring training on March 22, 2024 at the
Fair Hill Nature Center. The District had over 60 students from the surrounding high schools that participated. The four main elements of study are aquatics, forestry, soils and wildlife. Each year the Envirothon program adds a fifth element, "Renewable Energy for Sustainable Future."
We want to give a special thanks to the Fair Hill Nature Center for allowing us to utilize the location for the trainings and competitions, the instructors who volunteer their time to educate the students and of course, our Soil Conservationist, Mari, for all of her hard work planning these events.
Spring Training
Cecil Soil Conservation District sponsors and coordinates the Annual Cecil County Envirothon each year in conjunction with the Cecil County Board of Education, Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Forestry Division, Maryland Department of Environment, Maryland Cooperative Extension Service, and the Fair Hill Nature Center. Training sessions are held at the Fair Hill Nature and Environmental Center within the Fair Hill Natural Resource Management Area.
All Cecil County High School Students may participate in the Annual program which concludes with a County Competition each May. They are tested in five areas of natural resource areas including: soils, forestry, wildlife, aquatics and a new fifth topic which is included each year as the special Current Issue. The teams must also compete by conducting an oral presentation regarding the current issue before a panel of judges. Our educational partners provide our students with the opportunity to work directly and learn from resource professionals.
Envirothon was started in 1979 by three Pennsylvania soil and water conservation districts. By 1988 the idea had caught on and the first national contest was held.
What: Envirothon is a problem-solving natural resource competition for high school students. In Maryland the Envirothon sponsored by the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts (MASCD), which is an organization representing all of the soil conservation districts in the state.
How: Teams of high school age students are tested on their knowledge of a state's natural resources - soils, forestry, wildlife, water and a current environmental issue. Students visit five "in-the-field" test stations where written and hands-on problem solving is required along with formulating a strategy for increasing public awareness.